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Why Jupiter X Sets the Bar Higher

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Ok so it’s a little obvious why we love Jupiter X since we used it on our rebranded site just this month.  It gave us a great chance to get familiar with the interface during it’s “beta” phase – which was honestly pretty flawless from our experience.

You can imagine how many themes our team of devs have worked with in the past, thousands.  All checked that box of being premium themes, well supported, well coded – you name it.  But Jupiter X absolutely blows every theme we’ve used out of the water.

Why it's the best, by far

Before we get into all the neat images and videos below of the features – let’s start with the high level points on why we think it’s so great.

The fun stuff, features & more

The following videos and images were taken from the Artbees team’s website who did a great job piecing these together to highlight the themes great interface – so kudos to them.  Feel free to take a gander on their site for more information.

Below’s a neat clip Artbees put together that shows your basic interface (via Elementor & Jupiter X Customizer) for updating pages and content.  Although this article is particular to Jupiter X – Elementor makes things so easy and we’re thrilled Artbees chose to integrate with them.  The shift away from WPBakery was a smart move.  Watch below to see just how easy it is to edit your pages (in our opinion it’s easier than WiX or Squarespace).

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These are the plugins we mentioned that come bundled – some heavy hitters in here.  Namely the Jet family and ACF.  The Jet family of plugins – if you haven’t used them before – work pristinely with Elementor and are some of the best options within the builder.  We’re using quite a few Jet elements on our site.

Below you’ll see some of the unique features that further help set Jupiter X apart from other themes.  Pay particular attention to Save & Reuse sections – which is a HUGE time saver.  Revision history is a nice feature that improves upon the default WordPress tool – a nice bump in quality.  Undo-Redo is truly a blessing.  You won’t believe how many times we’ve used that little perk on this here site.  And finally – the plugin manager and updating is vastly improved.  We remember FTP’ing files in past Jupiter versions – no more.

Why JupiterX sets the bar higher

The header and footer templates are definitely nice (and a vast improvement upon Jupiter 6) – but they take some getting used to.  That’s about our only knock on this theme – there’s a small learning curve if you’re unfamiliar with some of the plugins and tools used.  That said – it’s worth the time investment – because the savings on the back nine are ten fold. 

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Jupiter has, and has had, a plethora of templates to choose from to get a jump start.  150+ of these to be exact – with more in the pipeline I’m sure.  That’s a big number that can satisfy most industries and styles.  Additionally, this has been expanded through the help of Elementor to create a number of blocks, full pages and other templates for use within the editor.   Yes, you heard correctly – there are importable blocks and pages within Elementor.  It’s jam packed with pre-built, pre-designed goodies to save you as much time as possible. 

As a side note – our team completed 10 websites on Jupiter X (from scratch) over the past two months and they were all done in less than 3 weeks from their start date.  That’s moving pretty quickly if we do say so ourselves – and it’s partially because of this theme!

We could go on forever, almost

There’s a lot more going on under the hood of Jupiter X – but we’ll stop there and let you check it out yourself.  The best way to experience Jupiter X is to plop down the best $59 you’ll spend on “web equipment” and play around with it. 

Jupiter X is versatile, powerful, easy to design within and above all else… it’s fast.
